Resources for Families and
Leading Online Gatherings and Virtual Worship
HOLY WEEKFOR YOUTH Holy Week Devotionals and a Palm Lesson Template from the Centre for Youth Ministry Training Learning Together
Moments in Worship for All Ages or in Online Faith Formation Programs by Robin Murray Holy Week articles and Holy Week at home ideas. Click HERE Ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic requires new ways of connecting with children and families. The folks at Picture the Bible created a story/coloring book for Holy Week and Easter. You may download it for FREE The book offers:
the Salt Project's Holy Week Tenebrae A Family Resource There is a small fee to use this resource. If you require financial assistance for your community of faith, please contact Mary Nichol here. Palm Sunday Resources are archived HERE. |
THE SEASON OF EASTEREaster Postcard Blessings Drop off postcards to your families that are ready to decorate! Address the postcards to people within your congregation and put a stamp on them so that all childrena and youth have to do after they have decorated them is put them in their local postbox! THE MYSTERY OF EASTER
There was once a man who loved big enough to change the world... Click here to get a free copy of Amelia Dress' book, The Mystery of Easter, to share with your families! You are invited to walk through Holy Week with author, Glenys Nellist. Beginning Monday April 6, 2pm EDT, she will share one story per day from Easter Love Letters from God. Check out the link here. |