LISTEN deeply.*Click on the title to go to the link.
Janelle Brady - Talking about Race with Children Fresh Air with Nana Aba Duncan, CBC Podcast Get Home Safely: 10 Rules of Survival A video from the Salt Project Moving The Race Conversation Forward Youtube Video by Race Forward How to Deconstruct Racism, One Headline at a Time TED on Youtube |
Although we believe that God is found in our common diversity, the sin of racism is present in our society and in our church. The United Church is committed to becoming an anti-racist church through a continuous struggle against racism. For more information/resources go HERE. Art Credit: Sarah Hall
How might we respond
in this time? LISTEN deeply. Do your own LEARNING |
through STORY The Freedom School is a youth and parent driven initiative that intervenes to fight against anti-Black racism in the school system and to creative educational alternatives for Black children. They also do research on Black liberatory education and participate in campaigns to create systemic change. There are excellent workbooks - 100 pages of Black liberation history and activities for children. There are three volumes and children can learn about the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Train Car Porters, Nanny Maroon, Oromo Reistance, disabilities justice, and so much more!
For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World With a guide by the Muhammad Ali Center Written by Michael W. Waters Illustrated by Keisha Morris From Librarian, Becky Ginther For anyone with kids who may be looking for ways to talk about/educate about race... I created this list of books. It's aimed at kids but honestly so many of these books are great and important reads for adults too. Some titles feature black characters, others are specifically about the struggle of race in our country.... to read this whole article go to this link. Recommended by Emo Yango, UCC:
do your own LEARNING*Click on the title to go to the link.
Scaffolding Anti-racism Resources
The goal is to facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and eventually accomplices for anti-racist work. These resources have been ordered in an attempt to make them more accessible. [email protected] Anti Racism Resources
Compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein This excellent document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. Social Justice and Anti Racism Resources
from Sparkhouse, part of 1517 Media who creates multimedia resources and distinctive books for Christian communities, higher-education learning and scholars, and the general reader The Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network has taken up the challenge of resourcing and accompanying communities of faith in their journey toward truth and reconciliation.
Anti Racism Resources As people of faith, we claim that all are beloved children of God. We also confess that we and the systems we participate in and benefit from have not always treated everyone with that truth. As parents and grandparents, it is critical that we have open and honest conversations about race and justice with our children and grandchildren. These resources to not only engage children, but also increase our own understanding and awareness. Your Kids aren't Too Young to talk about Race from Pretty Good Design Relationships are Who We Are The Salt Project *Click on the Black Lives Matter art to receive beautiful free images from the Salt Project COMPASSION CAMP This Illustrated Ministry resource is centered on compassion for others, ourselves, and the world. This at-home/virtual VBS is geared toward K-5th graders, plus activities specifically for preschool-age children. |