This month -and everyday-, We Celebrate our Mothers. "Being a Mother is Learning about Strengths you didn't know you had, and Dealing with Fears you didn't know existed." Linda Wooter This time, We want to share a writing by Kerry Child, a Family and Community Minister, Memeber of the Hope4CE Steering Committee I am a mother of two. One bright, creative, full of life five year old and her sister who lives in heaven. Mother’s Day has always been tricky for me. Don’t get me wrong. I love recognizing my mom, both of my grandmothers and the many other important “mothering” people in my life. My living child has an amazing godmother and many positive female role models but Mother’s Day is a challenge. It’s a secular holiday; one of the biggest where families gather for brunch, bouquets of flowers are purchased, cards sent and phone calls made. And that in itself is incredible. And why not? Mothers are amazing, strong, hardworking human beings who deserve to be celebrated. But Mother’s Day isn’t part of the Christian calendar and celebrating it in worship often creates an awkward, exclusive and uncomfortable experience for many. I know of several people who avoid church on Mother’s Day. So as people who work with children, youth and across the generations we come across yet another struggle between the secular and church world. Here are some tips when it comes to planning worship and Sunday programs on Mother’s Day.
Like everything, you will receive feedback. Some will love the subtle route and others will be disappointed that you didn’t hold a huge party for all the moms. No matter the outcome, I hope this Sunday and all the future Mother’s Days will include laughter, story, prayer, celebration and space to grieve. Kerry Child, Family and Community Minister, Gilmore Park United Church, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, and member of the Hope4CE Steering Committee
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January 2024